Going deep: Ocean to power grid, recharge fuel cells
08/12/2008PORTLAND, Ore. — Harnessing ocean power to generate electricity, hydrogen to fuel cars and heat exchangers to cool buildings is the aim of a $13.75 million effort at Florida Atlantic University's Center for Ocean Energy Technology.
"The Gulf Stream works 365 days a year, allowing electricity generated from its current to be
available 24/7, compared with solar or wind resources.
Plus there is a the possibility of using the thermal difference between the warm waters nearer the surface, and the very cold water at the bottom which comes from the Arctic Circle," said Sue Skemp, COET's executive director
Artist's rendering shows ocean energy scheme off Florida's Atlantic coast designed to generate electricity, hydrogen and cooling.
zedomax.com/.../January 9th, 2007
Windhunter Maritime Hydrogen Generation Systemhttp://www.windhunter.org/ > this is kind of a neat video view of platform.
Hydrogen can be produced by wind turbines and electrolysers on the proposed WINDHUNTER vessels. These large ships or platforms will operate out of sight of land either moored or anchored while facing into the wind and the oncoming waves. Millions of them can operate on the world's oceans with minimal environmental impact and human resistance.
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Nov. 3, 2005Top 100Wind power project floating out to North Sea
Norwegian utility envisions a floating 660-foot-tall tower, tethered to sea floor, supporting 95-foot-long blades. Scaled-down 3 MW demo with 14-foot’ blades expected in 2007. If the concept works, Norsk Hydro envisions parks of perhaps 200 windmills, in waters 700-2,200 feet deep.
Norsk Hydro quit the Energy Business in 2007. (Ref)Question: Who took over the floating wind turbine project? What's its present disposition?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New method would make wind energy primary-grid-power capable.
(Oct. 31, 2005) Floating offshore wind energy and hydrogen fuel generating company tipping to Europe or Asia
Inventor Tom L. Lee, Ph.D. has developed a floating wind turbine platform concept for accessing the higher winds out at sea, and converting wind energy efficiently to hydrogen and electricity. Would prefer to license its manufacture and distribution to a U.S. party.
"This technology has the capacity to quickly revolutionize the global wind energy sector, the global hydrogen economy/fuel cell sector, and the global power industry."
-- Tom L. Lee, Ph.D.President of Stanbury Resources, Inc. (Oct.
http://www.braunforpresident.us/main_menu/the_vision.htm >
::click here for a PDF version of this page::Windship Hydrogen Production Systems Will Save Ocean Ecosystems While MakingAmerica Energy Independent of Fossil & Nuclear Fuels
Analyst and author Harry Braun is running as an Independent Candidate for President because unlike President Bush or Senator Kerry, he has a Phoenix Project (
phoenixproject.net) plan that
http://www.braunforpresident.us/main_menu/the_vision.htm below
Multi Array WindshipsThe above image published by Popular Science in 1977 provides a cutaway view of the submerged spherical hulls where the crew will live and work, and where the electrolytic hydrogen production facilities will be located.
A hydrogen pipeline along the seabed floor then brings the hydrogen fuel ashore, or to a central underwater hydrogen storage system that will deliver fuel to an international fleet of liquid hydrogen fuel tankers.
Unlike oil and gasoline, hydrogen is completely non-toxic and pollution-free, thus no environmental contamination will occur when accidental spills or leaks occur.
The mast of wind turbines on a typical Windship could easily rise 500 feet above the waves, and the modularized systems could generate from 1 to 30 megawatts of electricity, depending on how many wind turbines are used. Wind speed increases exponentially with altitude, and as the wind speed doubles, as it typically does offshore, the power
Jacques-Arsène d’Arsonval, architect and engineer Dominic Michaelis, his son Alex Michaelin (also an architect), and Trevor Cooper-Chadwick are developing a new technique called
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) that takes advantage of differences in temperature between the ocean surface sea (up to 29°C in the tropics) and water a kilometer down (which is typically 5°C). Here’s how it works: warmer surface water is used to heat liquid ammonia, converting it into vapor, which expands to drive a turbine — which in turn produces electricity. The ammonia is then cooled using cold water from the ocean depths, returning it into a liquid state so the process can start all over again.