
Annual Energy Outlook 2009 with Projections to 2030 Report #:DOE/EIA-0383(2009) Release date full report: March 2009 Next release date full report: February 2010
Executive Summary
The past year has been a tumultuous one for world energy markets, with oil prices soaring through the first half of 2008 and diving in its second half. The downturn in the world economy has had a significant impact on energy demand, and the near-term future of energy markets is tied to the downturn’s uncertain depth and persistence. The recovery of the world’s financial markets is especially important for the energy supply outlook, because the capital-intensive nature of most large energy projects makes access to financing a critical necessity.
The projections in AEO2009 look beyond current economic and financial woes and focus on factors that drive U.S. energy markets
TIDAL 2006 some pictures and articles
WAVE AND TIDAL ENERGY --Wednesday 9 December 2009
Select Committee on Science and Technology Seventh Report

September 25, 2008
The Tide Is Turning: Turbine Rides Underwater Currents Like a Kite
New technology would enable turbine tethered to the seabed to harvest energy
There is no market yet for turbines that turn the tides into a source of energy from deep beneath the sea. But that has not stopped mechanical engineers at the University of Strathclyde's Energy Systems Research Unit (ESRU) in Scotland from developing one that will ride the tide while latched to the seabed by a cable—like a kite flying on a windy day.
The ESRU team's goal: create a device that literally goes with the flow rather than resting on the sea bottom like an underwater windmill—a model already ==CONTRA-ROTATING MARINE TURBINE (CoRMaT): The University of Strathclyde's Energy Systems Research Unit (ESRU) in Scotland is developing a dual-rotor turbine connected to the seabed by a cable that rides the tide like a kite on a windy day.Courtesy of ESRU------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Subtle movements create current
River Running Workers attach a walkway to the nation’s first commercial hydrokinetic power turbine, on the Mississippi River in Hastings, Minnesota Mark Stover/ Hydro Green Energy
The Big Picture: Conventional hydroelectric power (think of the Hoover Dam) provides 7 percent of the electricity in the U.S. But the only way to increase that number without damming more rivers — which causes widespread ecological damage both above and below the dam — is to use nonconventional hydropower sources that capture energy from the movement of waves, rivers and tides.
Where We Are: 31 GW
What We Need by 2025: 67 GW Tech to Watch: Hydrokinetic Power
The future of hydropower is taking shape just downstream from a standard hydroelectric dam in Hastings, Minnesota. The power isn't hydroelectric, though; it's hydrokinetic, generated from the motion of free-flowing water.
Installed this winter in –30° weather and switched on in January, the Houston-based Hydro Green Energy's pilot plant is the first federally licensed hydrokinetic project in the U.S. Like an underwater wind turbine, it will produce electricity by using the high-velocity current gushing out of an existing hydroelectric dam to turn a 12-foot, three-blade fan. Known as "run-of-river" hydrokinetic, Hydro Green's technology is similar to turbines that are being used to tap tidal power in Europe, except it's optimized to work in water flowing in just one direction (tidal turbines use water flowing both in and out).
The main goal of the plant, which is rated for 100 kilowatts — enough to power 40 homes — is to answer some essential, basic questions: How do you build blades strong enough to withstand the ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Atlantis To Test World's Biggest Tidal Turbine
Nao Nakanishi, PlanetArk 1 Dec 09;
Atlantis To Test World's Biggest Tidal Turbine 01-Dec-09Country: UK
LONDON - Atlantis Resources Corp is to test the world's biggest tidal turbine in the rough waters off the Orkney Islands next year in preparation for Scotland's plan to use ocean energy for half a million homes by 2020.
Tim Cornelius, chief executive officer at Atlantis, said the company was investing about 15 million pounds ($25 million) to build and test the turbine, which has rotors that are 18 meters in diameter, the height of five storey building.
The AK-1000 turbine, which has a capacity of 1 megawatt (MW) -- in line with other pioneering marine energy converters -- will be deployed at the European Marine Energy Center (EMEC) test site in Orkney.
"We are finalizing the tender for manufacturers. We are making this in the UK for the first time," Cornelius told Reuters in an interview. Previous smaller versions were made elsewhere.
"We will be committing at least 15 million pounds just for this testing regime in EMEC."
Atlantis is working with Norway's state-owned utility Statkraft to win a bid in Britain's Pentland Firth marine energy project, the world's first industrial scale wave and tidal energy program, which is intended to reach at least 700 MW of capacity by 2020
----------------------------------------------------------------- PB40 Enhanced System (PB40ES) PowerBuoy
http://www.oceanpowertechnologies.com/index.htmMaking Waves in Power
http://www.atlantisresourcescorporation.com/the-atlantis-advantage.html British Company To Help India Harness The Power Of The Sea
small British-based tidal energy company has won a landmark contract to attempt to harness the power of the sea around India for the first time. Atlantis Resources has forged a deal with the...
Norway’s Statkraft invests $ 66.6 million in tidal power developer Atlantis Resources
Wednesday, 01 April 2009 01
Thursday, November 19, 2009 12:14 PM
Google News Alert for: OCEAN ENERGY PROJECTS
Panel Debates Offshore Drilling Amid Climate TalksWall Street JournalJ.), whose state lies along the Atlantic Ocean, said lawmakers need to account for water-related tourism and fishing. "We don't think it's an unfettered ...See all stories on this topic
Google Blogs Alert for: OCEAN ENERGY PROJECTS
Wind Watch: Islanders give Bowles meeting mixed reviews... Secretary Bowles wrote that for commercial wind projects, “The final Ocean plan will state that regional planning authorities with regulatory authority shall define the appropriate scale of any renewable energy project.” ...National Wind Watch: News - http://www.wind-watch.org/news/
EcoMerge: Hawaii is getting greenerBy Portland State University EcoMerge Project On the other hand, Hawaii has some of the best wind, some of the best solar, some of the best access to the ocean to use wave power, a lot of waste-biomass, and one of the most volcanic activity to use for geo-thermal power. ... These new solar power collectors represent one of nearly $1 billion in clean energy projects which will be implemented in Hawaii during the next two decades. The article says that in January 2008, during her State of the State address, Gov. ...EcoMerge - http://ecomerge.blogspot.com/
The Indian Ocean: A Critical Arena for 21st Century Threats and ...By inferno Roughly one third of the world's population resides in states that have a coast on the Indian Ocean. One fifth of the world's energy supplies travel across it, largely in a west (Persian Gulf) to east (India, China, Japan) direction. .... as robust as need be for the tasks of maintaining the Indian Ocean as a sustainable zone of commerce, energy security and peace. Ellen Laipson is the President and CEO of the Stimson Center and directs the Southwest Asia/Gulf project. ...Pakistan Defence Forum - http://www.defence.pk/forums/
The Oil Drum Drumbeat: November 19, 2009By Leanan After the announcement of a suite of new energy partnerships between China and the United States, I sought feedback on the electric vehicle project from Lee Schipper, an energy and transportation specialist who splits his time between the .... However, a team of engineers plans to investigate whether algae commercially grown in the ocean on specialized platforms could reduce the high costs of biofuel production, potentially bringing our energy economy one step closer to ...The Oil Drum - Discussions about... - http://www.theoildrum.com/
TCASE 6: Cooling water and thermal power plantsBy Barry Brook Heat engines require cooling, to turn heat energy into mechanical energy (and then, via a turbine-connected generator, to electrical energy). This is an unavoidable physical principle, and is typical. ... Once-through uses water from a large body — the ocean, a big lake, or a high-flow river — to bring in water and then reject roughly the same amount after cooling, which is a few degrees warmer; there is little net loss. To use the recirculating method, water is drawn ...The Energy Collective - http://theenergycollective.com/TheEnergyCollective/
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